Renew or activate signature

Electronic signature activation

How to activate NEW
Certum's electronic signature?

Activate a Signature

Electronic signature renewal

Renewal of Certum's e-signature
step by step

Renew a Signature

the mobile electronic signature

Buy SimplySign Log in

One of the first mobile
e-signature solutions
available in EU

1 MM+

Electronic signatures

20 years

of experience


One of the largest
Certification Authorities in Europe


EU-wide recognition


is a mobile electronic signature that does not require a physical reader or a card with a certificate. It allows you to sign on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, as well as on your computer. SimplySign is your signature always with you.


Signing documents in a mobile app



  • smartphone or tablet

Signing documents on a computer


  • PC or Mac computer
  • a mobile device (to generate tokens)

What makes SimplySign different?



One signature and instant decisions!

We know every minute of your work counts. So wherever you are, you have the solution at your fingertips, so you’ll be able to take care of all the formalities in a blink of an eye. You can sign documents using SimplySign anywhere, anytime. You can do it using your web browser or a dedicated smartphone or tablet app



One signature, no doubts!

SimplySign is a mobile electronic signature that is as binding as a handwritten signature and, most importantly, it is legally binding throughout the European Union. This is confirmed by the international eIDAS regulation. The tool guarantees a full integrity of the full content of the signed document. You can be sure that no one will interfere in any provisions, and the signature will not be forged.



One signature and many applications!

Thanks to SimplySign you can sign many different kinds of documents. All this with a guarantee of convenience and simplicity. What’s important, you may use SimplySign not only for company-related purposes. With SimplySign, you can easily take care of all your private things (such as contacts with agencies) and business matters.



One signature, no stress!

Data safety and protection is our top priority. We have our own Data Center with state-of-the-art infrastructure covering all of the EU countries. The services provided by Certum are audited by the National Certification Center (NCCERT).



One signature – save time and money!

SimplySign doesn’t only save time but also reduces your company’s expenses. You don’t need to print documents, initial every page, and send them by courier or post. You don’t need to be physically present in the office; instead, you may use the time you saved to win new business contracts.



One signature and everything is in order!

Need to contact public institutions, need efficient flow of e-documents within your company? SimplySign is a versatile tool, so you can use the mobile electronic signature in multiple locations at a time!

Using SimplySign you can sign


commercial offers

corporate documents


medical documents

correspondence with public administration authorities

permits for tenders or electronic auctions

and a lot more…


The Certum qualified certificate, running within SimplySign, is recognized as trusted in PDF documents opened in Adobe software. Thanks to this, the recipients of your documents worldwide will receive a clear notice that they are dealing with a reliable document signed with a secure electronic signature


Learn more

Buy SimplySign mobile electronic signature


in your business

SimplySign is a simple, fast, and efficient solution, especially for the Enterprise sector.
A signature can be seamlessly integrated with any document/transaction circulation system or
any e-banking system.

simplysign API EN

Electronic signature vs. SimplySign

The comparison

SimplySign is a modern, virtual tool for signing and giving effect to any electronic documents. This is the first of its kind offered on the Polish market, guaranteeing 100% mobility – works without a physical card and the reader. With SimplySign You will increase efficiency in Your work on daily basis and save a lot of valuable time


Classic electronic

signature kit


mobile electronic signature

Recognized certificate

Supports key market applications

Supports key market applications

Works on your smartphone/tablet

Works without a physical card and reader

Works on multiple platforms
(Windows, macOS, AndroidOS, iOS)

Simple API integration

Strong client authentication
(Strong client authentication)

Compatible with standard e-signature

Classic electronic

signature kit

Recognized certificate

Supports key market applications

Supports key market applications

Works on your smartphone/tablet

Works without a physical card and reader

Works on multiple platforms
(Windows, macOS, AndroidOS, iOS)

Simple API integration

Strong client authentication
(Strong client authentication)

Compatible with standard e-signature


mobile electronic signature

Recognized certificate

Supports key market applications

Supports key market applications

Works on your smartphone/tablet

Works without a physical card and reader

Works on multiple platforms
(Windows, macOS, AndroidOS, iOS)

Simple API integration

Strong client authentication
(Strong client authentication)

Compatible with standard e-signature

Let us help
you choose


If you are interested in purchasing SimplySign or simply want to learn more about our solution, please see our FAQ or use the contact form.

Most popular questions

What is Adobe announcing?

On July 1st, the European Union’s new Regulation on Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS) will take effect, setting new rigorous requirements for secure signatures in a way that is expected to influence the entire global industry. In order to make it simple for EU businesses and government entities to successfully comply with this new regulation, Adobe and twelve other industry-leading organizations are announcing the Cloud Signature Consortium.

What is the Cloud Signature Consortium?

The Cloud Signature Consortium is a group of industry and academic organizations committed to building a new standard for cloud-based digital signatures that will support web and mobile applications and comply with the most demanding electronic signature regulations in the world. The goal is to provide a common technical specification that will make solutions interoperable and suitable for uniform adoption in the global market. This effort was inspired by the need to meet the highest level requirements of the European Union’s Regulation on Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS), but its impact is expected to be global as demand for highly secure digital solutions continues to rise.

What problem does the Consortium solve?

With over 7B mobile devices on the planet and cyber-threats at an all-time high, there is increasing market demand for highly secure digital solutions that also provide great user experiences. New regulations – like eIDAS – amplify that demand by creating higher standards for electronic signature compliance.

By providing a common protocol for cloud-based Digital Signatures, the Cloud Signature Consortium will make it possible for industry providers to build experiences that span desktop, mobile and web – and meet market expectations to sign documents anytime, anywhere, and in any application.

How does the Consortium add value to eIDAS?

The European Commission has worked hard to bring eIDAS to life. And yet, they realize that enabling broad adoption of digital signatures in Europe will take more than just a regulation. To be successful, they need a complete ecosystem of solutions, technology, and trust service providers that are fully aligned in support of eIDAS requirements. The Consortium’s leadership in developing this standard demonstrates critical industry commitment to the success of digital transformation in Europe as a single digital market.